We are Entering the Beta Stage!! + Many New Features and Bug Fixes

LockTrip.com (LOC Token) Official Blog
Published in
4 min readAug 22, 2018

Dear LockTrip Community,

We are excited to announce that after various tech updates and bug fixes, our marketplace is ready to enter it’s long-awaited beta stage!

The reason we are moving to beta now, is that we have just deployed a major update to our marketplace, featuring multiple bug fixes and feature improvements.

Along with the beta, we will also be changing the URL for the marketplace. It is currently still accessible at https://alpha.locktrip.com, but we will be changing the address to https://beta.locktrip.com in less than a week.

Not just a new URL…

Here are some of the more notable changes:

1. Improved user-friendly booking status codes

  • Easy to understand booking codes which describe the booking process clearly. Redundant and/or unnecessary statuses are no longer visible.

2. Improved payment flow and speed

  • Improved smart contract technology, which lower the overall time for your booking. Another upgrade is coming soon, which will increase speeds even further.

3. Improved smart contracts

  • New, optimized smart contracts use less gas fees for your booking, thus bringing your total cost down!

4. New and easily understandable error texts

  • Error texts during the booking process are now easily understandable and provide actionable advice. This feature will prevent many difficulties and reduce our support load.

5. New “gas money” help bubbles

  • A new help bubble will show the exact amount of ETH needed for the transaction to be processed successfully. This bubbly will only show up, if your ETH balance is insufficient.

6. Improved wallet password setup during signup

  • Optimized wallet password setup, with better instructions and a new disclaimer. (Tutorials are also on their way, small sneak peak below!)

7. Fixed country, city and gender bugs in profile settings

  • Fixed multiple bugs with the drop down menu in the profile settings, regarding countries, cities and genders.

8. Fixed multiple bugs causing errors during the booking process

  • Fixed multiple potential issues, that were causing failures during the booking process. This improvement is especially critical and has to be confirmed by future bookings, before we can open up our gates fully for the masses.

9. Fixed multiple UX bugs

  • Fixed multiple buttons and interfaces, that were not functioning as expected.

10. And more…

  • We have also fixed multiple issues with our mobile apps. The new 1.0.10 version is coming to both Android and iOS any moment now. Multiple bugs and issues have been solved and we are migrating from webview to a native client. As a result, the app will become much faster and lighter than it used to be!

Awesomeness is to be continued…

Our community has been waiting for this since forever: We are excited to share, that fiat payments (for example credit cards) are coming very soon to the marketplace — more specifically; we expect the integration to be completed during the first full week of September.

These new and easy payments will allow everyone to use LockTrip with ease, even if they don’t know anything about crypto. This will open our business to the whole traveling audience worldwide. It will also unlock many more new opportunities for marketing and business growth. Expect news soon!

LockTrip is the first marketplace with 0% commission where you can save on average 20% on your hotel and rental bookings compared to anywhere else. Learn how to buy LOC tokens to enable access to our marketplace and its lower prices here!

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LockTrip.com (LOC Token) Official Blog

Blockchain & fiat powered marketplace.Hoteliers & landlords list/rent property & manage bookings,& pay no commission. Retweets R not endorsements.