We moved to our new Office!

LockTrip.com (LOC Token) Official Blog
Published in
3 min readDec 12, 2018

We have just completed an important step regarding our internal development, namely moving to our new office.

Our CTO Georgi, guiding the team through the next steps

The office is located near our partner SoftUni, which gives us a unique advantage when it comes to acquiring new talent. Not only that, but we are also part of a much bigger Work & Share space. As you can see in the picture below, our office is inside a bigger building that is shared by multiple Start-Ups and many freelancers.

Stairs leading to our office and a meeting area below

Below our office, there is a very practical area for quick meetings consisting of 2 to 4 people. As you can see in the picture above, Nevena is involved in a one-on-one meeting. For bigger meetings, there are also meeting rooms with all necessary presentation equipment.

Georgi (CTO)

The new office enables us a much more efficient work environment due to various reasons. When LockTrip was growing during 2018, the developer teams were mostly growing independently from each other and were also spread across multiple locations.

This was a good solution at that time, as we were at the very early stages of our project and things needed to be developed very quickly and with high flexibility.

Nevena (Head of Business Development)

However as LockTrip has since reached a more advanced stage of development, it increasingly became important for the individual teams to communicate with each other due to the modules being integrated to a combined product.

Another factor is, that the development of the project moves ahead of our initial expectations and thus justifies this investment. We would surely have not taken this step if we were uncertain regarding the future of LockTrip.

Developers at work

Since we moved to our new office, we have already observed a notable increase in productivity due to improved communication between the teams and the optimum work environment provided by the Work & Share organization.

We will be sharing additional news regarding our internal development quite soon. Stay tuned!

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LockTrip.com (LOC Token) Official Blog

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