Expanding with accountability: The Supply Chain Story of Bigbasket

Sreshtha Das
Blog | Locus
Published in
2 min readNov 19, 2018

As a growing venture, we understand the complexities of expansion first hand. More regions to serve, additional clients and unfamiliar avenues often lead to many unforeseen challenges. And even though every business dreams of growing big, only a few are ready for added responsibilities.

The supply chain and its development is at the heart of any rapid expansion plans. Upsizing- procurement, maintenance and transportation in a short time frame require decision-making capabilities far more substantial than human know-how. New areas of operations also mean that there are no footsteps to follow and that human estimates are more likely to go awry. Extending services to new markets while sticking to on-time deliveries, and adhering to the SLAs of existing clients are challenges that require advanced technological solutions.

So when Bigbasket decided to expand their horizons and broaden their reach all over their country, they decided to bring us on-board as their logistics partner. With Bigbasket’s vision and Locus’ technical capabilities, soon our client scaled up their business from 1 to 10 mn+ customers in just under seven years. Bigbasket expanded their presence to over 30 cities across India.

How did we help Bigbasket in achieving this? And what are the pressure points of the supply chain that companies need to keep in mind when they grow exponentially? These are only a few of the questions that we are going to answer in a webinar with Tejas Vyas, Head of Product at Bigbasket.

During this 45 minute webinar, you will learn:

How Bigbasket scaled up their supply chain & the challenges they overcame.

Recognize the nuances involved in upsizing your supply chain during peak season & beyond.

Understand the technology that helped Bigbasket take consumer-centric supply chain decisions.

The session will also include a live 10min Q & A to make sure the speakers answer all your questions.

Register here: https://locu.sh/REGB1

Name of the event: On-time Deliveries for 10Mn+ Customers — The Supply Chain Story of World’s Leading e-retailer.

Date: Wednesday, November 28th 2018–10:00 PM (IST) / 11:30 AM (EDT)

Tejas Vyas, Head of Product, Bigbasket
Shaun Siler, VP North America, Locus

