Breaking Ground

Adventures beyond borders

Pooja Vishwanathan 🦋
Lodestar Gazette
Published in
2 min readJul 6, 2024


A Drabble is a 100-word short fictional story. You’ve got to ramble with words and form a nice, intriguing plot.

Word of the day: International

Image generated by the author using AI Bing Copilot

As the airport buzzed with a throng of people, Camille glanced nervously at her watch, anticipation coursing through her veins.

Her flight to Shanghai was due to take off in an hour.

A young man with a blend of French and Spanish features noticed her apprehension. “First international trip?” he asked softly.

She nodded, her nerves evident throughout.

It was indeed Camille's maiden voyage beyond her homeland, with a mix of excitement and trepidation swirling within her.

His warm smile, drawn in with a hint of curiosity amid her pre-flight jitters, offered her promising comfort amid the bustling noise.

The drabble is inspired by CJ Coop's drabble drop challenge and its associated word “international.”

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Pooja Vishwanathan 🦋
Lodestar Gazette

25 || Author || Editor of The Love Pub || I live for words and my heart beats as a writer.