Lodestar Prompts

Captain Starlight keeps her secret.

Richard Dee
Lodestar Gazette


More from the Housewife Superhero.

This story is based on one of the Creative Sparks April Prompts 2024.

Thanks to CJ Coop for the idea.

Winona finished washing up and set the dishes to drain. Her husband, Jervis, hadn’t offered to help her; as far as he was concerned, his work had finished when he’d left Johnstone’s Widgets for the day.

To him, cooking and cleaning were Winona’s jobs. As he said, when she suggested that a little help would be appreciated; he had been working hard at an important job while she had nothing else to occupy her day except keeping the house nice and cooking his dinner.

It might have been the 1950s, and everything was supposed to be modern and progressive, but in Winona’s opinion, a lot needed to change before true equality was achieved.

As soon as he finished eating, Jervis went to sit in front of their television set, catching up on the day’s news.

“Come and look at this,” he shouted excitedly. “Captain Starlight has been busy today.”

Winona sighed, Captain Starlight was all he thought about these days. The last thing she wanted to have to do was watch it all again. It was all too fresh in her mind.



Richard Dee
Lodestar Gazette

I write speculative fiction, set in the future or an alternative now. See my lists for content by topic, or visit https://www.richarddeescifi.co.uk