Copper Shadow

An eerie tale of vengeance and survival

CJ Coop
Lodestar Gazette
Published in
2 min readJun 15, 2024



A vivid and detailed ultra-hyper-realistic 8K image of a spectral encounter. Claire sees Molly’s ghost in a room bathed in eerie sunset light.
Ghostly encounter in sunset-lit room | Created with DALL-E by CJ Coop

Drabble Drop FAQ’s (guidelines) here.

A Drabble is a 100-word short story. Drabble Drops uses a randomly generated word as the challenge but not as a title or character name.

“Molly, is that you?” The copper kettle whistled sharply. Shadows danced. “I swear I saw her,” whispered Claire, clutching her teacup.

The village was quiet since Molly vanished.

A creak echoed. Claire’s heart raced. She turned, eyes wide. “Who’s there?”

No answer.

Only the silence of an empty room.

Copper light from the setting sun painted eerie shapes on the walls.

Suddenly, a cold hand gripped her shoulder. She gasped, turning to see Molly’s spectral form.

“You left me,” Molly hissed. Claire stumbled back, breath shallow. The ghost’s eyes with vengeance. “Wait, I can explain — “

Darkness swallowed her words.

|C.J. Coop © 2024. All rights reserved|

In response to Jessica’s Quill Drabble drop for today:



CJ Coop
Lodestar Gazette

| Poet | Storyteller | British | Lodestar Gazette Owner |