When the weapon melts, so do the clues

CJ Coop
Lodestar Gazette
Published in
2 min readJun 23, 2024


A dramatic scene with a man gripping a melting icicle, facing a woman in the night as tension and mystery rise, captured in ultra-hyper-realistic detail and vivid colour.
Chilling Mystery Unfolds in Tense Encounter | Created with DALL-E by CJ Coop

Drabble Drop FAQ’s (guidelines) here.

A Drabble is a 100-word short story. Drabble Drops uses a randomly generated word as the challenge but not as a title or character name.

“Icicle,” he murmured, gripping the melting evidence. Anna shivered, watching the last drop fall.

“How did you know?” she asked, eyes wide.

“I guessed,” he said, “you always were inventive.”

Her smile faltered. “And you, always too clever.”

Rising tension crackled like frost. He stepped closer, heart pounding. “Why?”

She sighed, looking past him. “Desperation. You wouldn’t understand.”

“Try me,” he desperately urged.

Anna’s gaze softened briefly before hardening. “No.”

Suddenly, a distant siren wailed. “Time’s up,” she whispered, slipping away into the night, leaving him with the melting icicle and unanswered questions.

The mystery deepened, a chill settling in.

|C.J. Coop © 2024. All rights reserved|



CJ Coop
Lodestar Gazette

| Poet | Storyteller | British | Lodestar Gazette Owner |