Drabble Drops: Blueprints for the Future

⭐ Randomly generated word of the day: Architect ⭐

Rick Allen
Lodestar Gazette
Published in
1 min readApr 13, 2024


Scene of a young girl and her dad building a model city in their living room.
Author using DALL-E AI

Sophie and her dad transformed their living room into an elaborate cityscape.

As the self-appointed “chief architect,” Sophie directed the construction, using empty milk cartons for skyscrapers and books for bridges.

Her eager assistant, Dad, followed her elaborate blueprints, drawn in crayons and full of imaginative designs.

As they built, Sophie declared, “One day, I’ll build real cities, Dad!”

He smiled, realizing these moments were building more— they were building dreams for the future.

Sophie learned that every playful project could be a step toward her dreams, embracing opportunities to learn and grow even from the living room floor.

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Rick Allen
Lodestar Gazette

I write about Love, Kitchen, Business, and the lifestyle of an Artist. I became a Portraitist in 1976. It has taken me to many places and enriched my life.