Frosty Fantasia

A spectacle of icicle majesty

Pooja Vishwanathan 🦋
Lodestar Gazette
Published in
2 min readJun 25, 2024


A Drabble is a 100-word short fictional story. You’ve got to ramble with words and form a nice, intriguing plot.

Word of the day: Icicle

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Amidst the winter's chill, a peculiar icicle formed outside the old cabin.

“Look at the size of that thing!” exclaimed Drew, peering through the frosted window.

“I've never seen one like it,” replied Caroline, her breath fogging the vintage glass.

“It almost looks like a crystal sword, doesn’t it?”

Drew giggled. “Yeah, a sword fit for an ice queen.”

As they looked, the icicle shimmered in the morning sun, casting a rainbow of colours across the snow.

It was a fleeting moment of beauty in the harsh winter landscape, a reminder that even the coldest things can hold unexpected wonders.

The story is inspired by CJ Coop's drabble drop challenge and its associated word, “icicle.”

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Pooja Vishwanathan 🦋
Lodestar Gazette

25 || Author || Editor of The Love Pub || I live for words and my heart beats as a writer.