Fiction / Drabble / Challenge

I Wonder Why Everybody Is Always Picking on Me?

A beer or two should fix everything

Jerry Dwyer
Lodestar Gazette


The random word for today is glass.

AI image with Microsoft Designer by the author.

Drabbles are works of fiction of exactly 100 words. No more. No less.
Please stay on the page for 30 seconds or more, so the stories are counted as read. Please read, highlight, clap, comment — let us know you’ve been here! Thank you!

It was one of those days, Will thought.
Does everyone have one of those days when everything goes wrong?
Little ones screaming at the top of their lungs.
How can they scream so loud?
And that crazy woman yelling at me!
As if it’s my fault.
Will left in a huff and walked into the first bar he came across.
“Give me a beer.”
“Yes sir, would you like that in a glass or would you prefer a bottle?”
“Just give me a damn beer!” he growled.
“Yes, sir!” And she quickly and efficiently delivered the beer.
On his head.

This is the 106th drabble I have written this year, but the first to be published in Lodestar Gazette. All the others you can find in Fiction Shorts. As of today, April 15th, Fiction Shorts no longer allows serial drabbles. But my friend CJ Coop has graciously allowed me to publish those drabbles that will be a part of my Old Prospector series. You can find my Old Prospector drabbles here:

My Old Prospector Drabbles

25 stories
An old man with disheveled hair and beard.
Ruins of Wells Fargo Building, Virginia City, NV.
Thick gray clouds over snowy moutauinous terrain.

My Old Prospector stories are based on the lives of my ancestors and their families who migrated from Ireland to Virginia City, Nevada in the 1860s and 70s. Today’s drabble is one of three stories that are based on the lives of my great grandparents. I expect that these two series will blend together very soon. But for now, they will be treated as a separate series. You can find the other two stories here:

My Will and Aggie Drabbles

15 stories
A mother with three young children stand before a tombstone in an Old West cemetery.

I still plan to use the random words that are displayed daily over in Fiction Shorts. I also plan to still write my non-serial drabbles in Fiction Shorts. Here is Nancy Oglesby’s prompt for today’s random word:

A Special Tag List

I would like to tag all of my faithful followers of my serial drabbles over in Fiction Shorts so that they will be able to find them here in Lodestar. This may be only a one-time tag list. I will conform to whatever CJ decides to do about tagging. Harry Hogg, Michael Rhodes, Randy Pulley, Bruce Coulter, Adrienne Beaumont, Julia A. Keirns, Karen Schwartz, Lynn L. Alexander, Judy Derby, Kelly Corinne Elliott, Paula Shablo, Michele Maize, Brandon Ellrich, Maria Rattray, Jonny Masters, Stephen Dalton, John Hansen, Ludiane de Brocéliande, Miriam Connolly, Nancy S Rust, Nancy Oglesby, Denée King, Izzibella Beau, Eko BP, Mike Range, Diane Beardow and Shain E. Thomas.

Thanks for reading!



Jerry Dwyer
Lodestar Gazette

I read books and then travel to places I read about. And I bring my camera with me.