Lodestar Gazette Looking for Editors & Writers

Searching local talent….

CJ Coop
Lodestar Gazette
Published in
3 min readApr 5, 2024


Join Lodestar Gazette: Unique Editor and Local Talent Opportunities Await!
Join Lodestar Gazette: Unique Editor and Local Talent Opportunities Await! | Created with Bing Co-pilot by Author

Welcome, all. We have reached the point where we need to start looking for editors for our beloved publication to join us and help run the ship smoothly.

First, I would like to thank all those who have joined us recently and in growing our writers, with the constant content coming from you, beautiful writers. Also looking for more writers to join the Lodestar Community.

Colleen Millsteed, Jessica’s Quill, Delaney Patterson, Gabriela Trofin-Tatár, Richard Dee, LC Lynch, Laura Ann, Jamel Hendley/Greenviool, Mary Morton, Judy Haratz Cohen, Jerry Dwyer, zizi majid, Jezebelle Darling, SoulWriter, Steven Smith, Brenda Arledge, Jonny Masters, DR Rawson — The Possibilist, Mark Armstrong, Diane Beardow, Tonia Bakare, Izzibella Beau, Karen Grant, Rick Allen, Paolo Ferrari, Elise Marie

I know you all have lots of writing to do, and others are already busy editors in other publications. But I would appreciate any help that you can give.

Please make yourself familiar with our guidelines:



CJ Coop
Lodestar Gazette

| Poet | Storyteller | British | Lodestar Gazette Owner |