The Dainsleif Sword

#Drabble Drop: Effective

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In Viking mythology, there was a ruthless warrior King Hogni of the Norse lands, who had commissioned a mighty sword to be crafted by the dwarf named Dainsleif. It was said to be the most powerful sword of all in the land with magical powers.

King Hogni had a motto that every opponent must die at his hands by his mighty sword if they challenged the king. This was very “effective” keeping away local tribesmen.

Occasionally, a foreigner from distant lands would think themselves mightier than the King. That didn’t end up very well at all for the “adversair mort”.

Thank you #Drabble Drop and #Lodestar Gazette for providing the fun today!

“The Dainslief Sword” Image copied from The Viking.Style Website



Jezebelle Darling - Healing through Writing
Lodestar Gazette

Empathically gifted, interested in pleasures of the soul, having an unquenchable yearning for knowledge about humankind and the psychology research behind it.