You Need More Men

Random Word: Resist

Tonia Bakare
Lodestar Gazette


A group of armed police officers.
Photo by Sean Lee on Unsplash

Because a drabble is quite short(only 100 words) please remain on the page for at least 30 seconds to count this as a full read. Reading to the end, clapping, and highlighting will help to do this.

Inspector Brooke had just finished briefing his men and gathering the necessary equipment to head out. He and four others were going in response to a call that had just come in from Upper West Street.

They were putting the gears in the patrol truck when a call came in.

“The boss says you need more officers to go with you.”

“There are five of us going.”

“He says you need ten more. That area’s dangerous, as you know, and the guys may try to resist arrest. You remember what happened the last time we were there?”

“Yeah, I remember.”

Thank you for reading.

Thanks to CJ Coop and Jessica's Quill for the opportunity and support.



Tonia Bakare
Lodestar Gazette

Christian. Mental Health and Wellness. Personal Development. Lawyer. Love books. Love poetry. Love sharing knowledge and learning. anthoniabakare@gmail.com