As Before

Ping Kong
LodFod Stories
Published in
1 min readJun 17, 2021

When you start something, you don’t know how it will end

Sometimes you don’t even know when it begins

Sometimes you only notice partway in

Like entering a labyrinth

Except you don’t remember the entrance and don’t remember where you’ve been

Oh and it’s dark

With lots of forks and switchback paths

And sometimes

Sometimes sometimes sometimes

You can see ahead

You can see not only the forks, but the forks beyond the forks

Sometimes, you think you see the exit

And others, you can’t

You don’t

And what you thought was the exit was only a shiny distraction

There are moments you rise the crest of a hill, and can see over the fog

Over the darkness and the uncertainty

And you see the glorious glow of the end

Only to descend the hill

Once again braving the darkness

Once again walking through uncertainty

Certain that the uncertainty will give way to certainty

Only to find yourself

As blind as before

