LodFod Stories
Published in
2 min readMay 2, 2016

Finally! I was productive!

Yesterday I began planning all the mods to the hab, and with time, I managed to salvage even more parts!

Can you believe that all the uranium-238 from the large bombs in my ship actually survived? Now I have a power source that could last near the age of this damn planet.

I gotta find a way out of here, though. Not waste time making a city.

My best bet is an Aerial Descent Vehicular Lander. I don’t know if they deployed them here, but we used them a lot back in the days of Striker Squad. An ADVL is essentially a small sized lander designed for supplying the basics to troops on the field. They usually have a good amount of rocket fuel. I assume that the descent through the atmosphere of this planet isn’t too rocky, because there isn’t an atmosphere.

Let’s do the math. This could take a while. A normal atmosphere, like that of Ralos Prima, has an estimate of about 42% of possible atmospheric pressure sustain to the lander. The lander would use about 57% of its fuel during the descent. That makes for a ratio of 42:57. I know for a fact that the atmosphere here is 2%–3% total pressure sustain. I would assume 2.5% just for calculation reasons. Let me see…We’re looking at about 3.4% fuel used. That gives us 96.6% fuel reserve left.

The minimum needed for an aerial launch is 46 gallons per pound. I weigh about 120 pounds, so that gives us 5520 gallons, plus the weight of the ship, about 2 tons. That gives us a total of 189520 gallons required. Good. The ADVL comes with about 200,000 gallons, which means that we have 196190.5 gallons left. That’s plenty enough to get us a safe launch.

Oh shit… I have to account for the weight of the surplus. I have 6670.5 gallons left. A gallon of fuel weighs 6 lbs. Trust me, it’s all in the military handbook. That means that I have to account for 40023 extra pounds. Unless I use that fuel. I have to get back to the log on exactly how much more fuel I need. I need an exact number. I’ll probably send an update later.

Speaking of updates, I also created a redesign of our layout and strategy for when I see my crew again. I thought about it myself. I call it Operation CYGNUS. CYGNUS standing for Cyber General New Universal Strike-force. Something tells me the crew’s gonna like it.

UPDATE: I did the math. I need about 2000 more gallons to sustain a perfect flight. I also need to salvage the CPU from my navigation system, or else I have to launch manually. More on that next RAL.

