LodFod Stories
Published in
2 min readMay 4, 2016

Welcome back! Except, not really…because I am reporting to you from the actual planet that’s at war.

Turns out that the “planet” I crashed on was just a moon. I feel like an idiot right now. But the person who probably feels even more idiotic is the dude who accidentally sent a kamikaze bomb to the wrong mass!

You’re probably wondering how I got here. Let me tell you, it’s not what you expected. I did reach the ADVL, but in my stupidity, I accidentally launched it. Now I know what you’re thinking. “How in god’s name did you accidentally launch a damn ship?!”

Well to that, my friend, I can only say one thing. I suck at launching rockets.

Even during training, everyone managed to hit his/her target by remote rocket except me. I got full scores in everything, except rockets. I can’t even aim a missile for crying out loud!

But back to what happened. I watched in horror as I launched the ship, but by some miracle, when it exploded in mid-air, it dropped enough fuel for me to get the mobile shithole (that I’ve lived in for a few RALs) off the ground.

Remember how I talked about view A in my 2nd log? That big planetary mass is the main planet. I took the extra fuel back to 2-faced ridge and waited until we were in good alignment. (There’s a 1 hour period like that every day here, so I didn’t have to wait too long.)

Without a second glance, I launched. I was sick of the damn moon (which at the time I still thought was a planet)

My landing wasn’t great, but I mean, I don’t have any way of slowing down or turning around while piloting the shithole. In short, I lost basically all mobile capabilities.

When I landed, I was in a desert. A crater ridden desert. Had to be another bombsite. Good news is that there’s a settlement not more than a parsec away. Hopefully I can get the shithole mobile again so I can pilot it there. More on that next RAL.

