Perfection is boring. That might seem impossible. How can perfection be boring? It’s perfection! But trust me, it is. What would you say a perfect world is? One without disease? One without hunger? One without hate or pain or greed? Just imagine how boring that would be. You’d never want anything. You’d never be hungry, never be cold, never be jealous, never be anything but happy. And happiness is strange, because the longer you’re happy, the less being happy means. How do you know what it’s like to be happy unless you know what it’s like to be not? To be sad, or angry, or jealous, or annoyed? Happiness is relative. It only means something if there’s something to base it off of. Eventually being happy would devolve to being boring. It’s like the Overton Window (yes, I had to look that up.) Basically, the longer in an extreme you are, the more that extreme seems to become the norm. It’s like the old asking for something trick. You start with something big, like a car, and then go to something small, like a pack of gum. Since a pack of gum is nowhere near the cost of a car, it seems more reasonable to give you. Now think about happiness in this case. If you were happy, perpetually, eventually that happiness would become boredom. Happiness would mean nothing. You’d never appreciate happiness because you’d never know what it would be like to be sad. This applies to everything in perfection. Love would become stale, as nobody would know hate. Passiveness would be, well, passive, because nobody would ever feel rage. A world of one-sided extremes is a world of boredom. You wouldn’t appreciate your body because you’d never have to worry about hurting it. And as emo and edgy as it sounds, conflict and pain and hardship is what makes life interesting. You never appreciate having functional arms and legs until you break one. You never appreciate happiness until you’ve been sad. Dark and Light need to coexist so that each would have meaning. If one were to leave, then the other would become grey. Middle of the road. Boring. And nobody wants boring.