
Ping Kong
LodFod Stories
Published in
1 min readMay 29, 2020

A man walking blindfolded

A tourist looking for an address but nobody speaks their language

A child being separated from their mother at the mall

A transfer student on the first day of school

A college student abandoned at a party by the one person they knew there

A girl who lost her friends at a nightclub

A teenager who got separated from his friends in a corn maze

A boy falling in love for the first time

A soldier stranded on a battlefield, left by his squad

A survivor of a shipwreck on a desert island

A bookworm getting lost in a new novel

A student learning a new language

A teenager trying his hand at poetry

A dreamer stuck in a nightmare

A student showing up to class for the first time on finals day

A dying man

A kid going to school for the first time

A toddler being dropped off at day care

A kid first learning to read

Wandering the unfamiliar

