Navigating the Digital Blueprint: Finding the Sitemap of a Squarespace Website

Every website has a behind-the-scenes map that search engines use to index its pages effectively. It’s called a sitemap, and Squarespace websites are no exception. In this guide, we’ll show you how to find the sitemap of a Squarespace website and introduce you to LoftyDevs, a Squarespace agency that can assist you with this and more.

Navigating the Digital Blueprint: Finding the Sitemap of a Squarespace Website
Navigating the Digital Blueprint: Finding the Sitemap of a Squarespace Website | LoftyDevs

Step 1: Access Your Squarespace Dashboard

Log in to your Squarespace account and access the dashboard of the website for which you want to locate the sitemap.

Step 2: Navigate to Pages

From the dashboard, navigate to the “Pages” section.

Step 3: Access the Not Linked Section

Look for the “Not Linked” section, which typically appears at the bottom of the Pages panel. This section contains pages that are not included in your website’s primary navigation.

Step 4: Create a New Page

Click the “+ New” button within the “Not Linked” section to create a new page.

Step 5: Select “Blank”

Choose the “Blank” page layout for your new page.

Step 6: Name the Page

You can name this page anything you like, but it’s a common practice to name it “sitemap” for easy reference.

Step 7: Save and Publish

Save and publish the new page.

Step 8: Access Your Sitemap Page

After publishing, access the sitemap page you just created. It will contain a list of links to all the pages on your Squarespace website.

Step 9: Share or Use the Sitemap

You can share the URL of this sitemap page with search engines or users who need access to your site’s structured content.

Navigating the Digital Blueprint: Finding the Sitemap of a Squarespace Website | LoftyDevs

Alternative Option: Use “/sitemap.xml”

Typically, Squarespace websites have a default sitemap located at “/sitemap.xml.” You can access it by entering your website’s URL followed by “/sitemap.xml” in your browser’s address bar. For example, “"

LoftyDevs: Your Sitemap Assistance

If you encounter any difficulties finding or configuring your sitemap or require assistance in ensuring that it’s optimized for search engines, consider reaching out to LoftyDevs, a Squarespace agency. They have the expertise to help you make the most of your sitemap, improving your website’s visibility and SEO performance.

