Tweeting in Style: Embedding a Twitter Feed on Your Squarespace Website

Bringing the dynamic world of Twitter directly to your Squarespace website is a fantastic way to keep your visitors engaged. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of embedding a Twitter feed onto your Squarespace site. Plus, we’ll introduce you to LoftyDevs, a Squarespace agency that can assist you with this and more.

Tweeting in Style: Embedding a Twitter Feed on Your Squarespace Website
Tweeting in Style: Embedding a Twitter Feed on Your Squarespace Website | LoftyDevs

Step 1: Access Your Twitter Account

Before you can embed a Twitter feed, ensure you have access to the Twitter account from which you want to display tweets.

Step 2: Create a Twitter Widget

Twitter provides a simple way to create widgets for embedding feeds. Go to the Twitter Publish website and select “Widgets.”

Step 3: Choose the Widget Type

Select the type of widget you want to create. For a Twitter feed, choose “Profile.”

Step 4: Configure Widget Settings

Customize your Twitter feed widget by specifying the Twitter username and design settings. You can choose a light or dark theme and customize the link color to match your site’s style.

Step 5: Create the Widget

Once you’re satisfied with your widget’s settings, click the “Create widget” button.

Step 6: Copy the Embed Code

Twitter will generate an embed code for your widget. Copy this code to your clipboard.

Step 7: Access Your Squarespace Dashboard

Log in to your Squarespace account and access the dashboard of the website where you want to embed the Twitter feed.

Step 8: Edit the Page

Navigate to the specific page on your Squarespace site where you want to embed the Twitter feed. Click on the section where you’d like the feed to appear.

Step 9: Add a Code Block

In the section where you want to insert the Twitter feed, add a “Code” block.

Step 10: Paste the Embed Code

In the Code block, paste the Twitter widget’s embed code that you copied earlier. Ensure that the code is pasted correctly.

Step 11: Save and Preview

Save your changes and preview the page to ensure the Twitter feed displays correctly. You can adjust the placement and appearance as needed.

Step 12: Publish

Once you’re satisfied with how the Twitter feed looks on your Squarespace site, publish the page to make it live.

Tweeting in Style: Embedding a Twitter Feed on Your Squarespace Website | LoftyDevs

Alternative Option: Use Social Media Integration

Squarespace offers built-in social media integrations, including Twitter. You can connect your Twitter account to your Squarespace site, and Squarespace will automatically display your Twitter feed in designated sections.

LoftyDevs: Your Twitter Integration Partner

If you encounter any challenges while embedding your Twitter feed or want to explore advanced customization options, consider reaching out to LoftyDevs, a Squarespace agency. They have the expertise to seamlessly integrate Twitter and tailor its appearance to match your Squarespace website, enhancing your social media presence and user engagement.

