Building a Strong Foundation

Logan Austin
Freedom of Lifestyle
4 min readAug 29, 2020

“Vulnerability is strength in disguise that will allow longevity for years to come.”

When you allow yourself to grow you can open doors to places that you may have never known existed. Once this process begins you will look at life in a whole new light.

Now this is not a load of horseshit.

It is proven time and time again as human beings that we hold the power to transform our lives in the smallest and the largest ways. We may not always understand or know what that takes but we can at least start somewhere. Starting from the ground up sounds like the best place to grow.

As mentioned in my previous publication there are different circumstances that determine where we are but what I believe to be true is that they do not have to determine who we are. It is what we decide to do in those moments that can help build character towards the next step in life. This can be all the more helpful with discovering who we are.

Last time I touched base on what core values you can put into perspective but this time I want to look at what principles you believe to be perpetual. This will help maintain and strengthen the foundation you have always been looking for. Thus giving you a “fall back” in case of any uncertainty that life may throw at you.

First off I wanted to thank Chase S. Joseph for the inspiration towards completing this in the first place. He helped open my eyes over time with not only getting to know myself more through his resources but also provides very helpful knowledge, wisdom and insight for life on multiple platforms. If you do not know who he is I highly suggest you check out one of his YouTube videos or Instagram page for more information.

Principles work very similarly into context as core values however they are not necessarily interchangeable. Core values are what you value in life. That can change or stabilize depending on what you value. Principles are universal. They are parts of life that do not change and will stay indefinite throughout reality. Some examples of principles would be:






These are some principles in life that will always be there and aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.

Now you might be asking, “What the hell do principles have to do with building a strong foundation?” Well when you have charted out what principles are most relevant to you and discovered your core values that’s when you can use them to your advantage for opportunities. The opportunities will become stepping stones towards strength and that strength will fortify your foundation. This cyclical nature can be utilized for building your foundation time after time. However, how you connect the dots between your choice of principles and the opportunities that arise in your life will be different from anyone else. That you’ll have to find out yourself.

Once you realize what you value and where you stand in life you uncover the strength that was once held inside. Show it to the world with great poise and you will be shocked at how much you have to offer.

Fuck. Yes.

At this point you have to listen very carefully to the world and what you surround yourself with in life. If you believe in fate or destiny or maybe you have a dream that you want to accomplish this is the moment when life can start to steer you towards the right path.

Here’s the catch:

You become vulnerable.

Yep. That’s right. Right when you become aware of what can help propel you forwards that is the same exact moment that you know what can hurt you too.

I want you to keep this in mind though: without positive there is no negative and without one there is not another. Balance is the flow of life.

Learn to move with the ebbs and flows of life.

It is a process of life that has been going on for generations. I will use an example:

When a child is born and they are learning to walk what happens? They fall but then they get up again and again and again and again. This learning process doesn’t stop until the baby can walk independently and with full capability. Much like with anything that we begin to learn in life we often realize that we are vulnerable to what can hinder us or discourage us yet that does not necessarily need to keep us from making the achievements we sought out for in the first place. There are always going to be ups and down, pros and cons, positives and negatives but that doesn’t stop us from living life everyday. It is only when we are pursuing new goals in life or that new obstacle is before us that it can be a little daunting. Remember that each and every time we go after something in life, take that new step, learn a new skill or maybe even just check that next box in our to do list we become stronger at what we are doing. Consistency is key. So whether big or small keep going towards what you want out of life. Because when you do you add to your foundation and that foundation is worth a lifetime.

Do not stop and stay strong. Until next time.

