Intelligence & Potential

Logan Austin
Freedom of Lifestyle
4 min readJan 12, 2021


“Opportunity no matter where you go or where you are.”

If you’re always learning about where you’re going in life, you can always achieve your goals.

Easier said than done.

This section is for those of you who may not know exactly what you are looking for in life. Maybe high school and college didn’t turn out to be the most inspiring moments of your life. Maybe there were other things you would have rather done to gain experience from besides a couple of text books and a science lab. Either way this gives a second chance to look back on education and intelligence. Instead of sitting down and choosing your classes, take note of what categories of life interest you most and then chart your course independently. It’s more of a “live life to the fullest on your own terms” way of looking at things. Thanks to Howard Gardner we have a Theory of Multiple Intelligences for reference.

(For this article I will be including existential intelligence even though it is not necessarily part of Howard’s Theory.)

Right off the bat you will notice that there are plenty of congruencies between each type of intelligence. Some help each other in the bigger picture for a more well rounded and realistic view on what your aiming at in life.

For example, interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence can help shape improved depth of understanding not only in oneself but in others as well. These both work congruently with linguistic intelligence which is used for speech and communication. At an even more grand scale these intelligences could be used for tackling some of life’s biggest questions in relation to existentialism: Why are we here? What is our purpose? Where are we going and where did we come from? When we learn to understand ourselves, others and articulation we can start to take our first steps towards spiritual growth or personal development.

Now bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is a unique one that I think most people overlook. Anyone who has an advanced ability in eye-hand coordination, manipulation of weight, balance, movement and control are skilled performers or athletes. It is a highly sense based intelligence that allows one to utilize the moment for optimum results.

Next is logical-mathematical intelligence. Everything from analyzing results via cause and effect to identifying solutions for problems. Used for both theoretical and rationalized circumstances.

Spatial intelligence is for recognizing visual patterns, imagery and large-scale areas of space. Musical intelligence is used for music theory itself including the ability to conduct, sing or play a musical instrument. Lastly, naturalistic intelligence is the study of nature in accord with biology and taxonomy.

Each different type of intelligence gives way to another perspective on what can be worked on. They will help determine what your strengths and weaknesses are and how to pursue what you want out of life while still utilizing a broad horizon to play with.

Depending on what you excel at in life in these categories you can make the most accurate judgement for what you need to prepare for. Looking back on where you left off whether that was high school, college or any other school of study can make it easier to put your best foot forward. This is a perfect opportunity to connect the Dream Vertebrae in order to gain momentum in life. This will allow you to figure out your strengths and weaknesses.

How do you do that? One step at a time. Remember:

“You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.”

Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

First choose what you’re passionate about in life. Now it could be something that may not even be a part of this article or a sub category that is not listed. Either way once you have decided what it is that you want you can propel yourself forwards freely. This is what the recap in the Dream Vertebrae article is for. You now have the ability to build yourself a strong foundation, discover what is important to you, become adaptable, aware and now it is time to hone in on what that main goal is.

So take the time to synthesize all the information you have gathered and put what you’re most passionate about or what that goal is at the top of your Dream Vertebrae. Then prepare all the steps that are necessary starting from the top all the way down. Think of what each of those top three steps are that will support the main goal. Make sure to be specific. The more specific you are the easier it is to accomplish said goal. Continue this process all the way down until you cannot think of anymore connections or correlations. Pretty soon you will have what looks like an entire step by step process for what is to come.

Putting together the pieces into a greater shape of fortune is always going to seem daunting at first. As long as you have a strong reason why then you’ll be able to commit through thick and thin. These are the starting points to a greater tomorrow. These are the necessary steps to changing one’s life.

Good luck on your journey and I will see you next month for another dive into Freedom of Lifestyle.

