Mindset for Change

Logan Austin
Freedom of Lifestyle
5 min readSep 25, 2020

“Change is the momentum to the wheel of fate.”

Being aware of the constant changes in life will calibrate a mindset ready at all times. Once balanced and focused it will become second nature. This is how you begin the process of exponential growth.


Whether you’re looking for more productivity, balance or enjoyment in life you can always recognize patterns that will help you capitalize on these different levels of your life. These different variations of change can be regulated to your personal preference. Becoming aware of which priority is within reach will utilize time more efficiently and create a greater sense of not only meaning in your life but also adaptation.

For example: You’re on the internet or browsing social media and you find something for entertainment, inspiration or general interest. Given your current mood you feel that there is something you can do with this information. Perhaps it is for making that change in your career that you always wanted, maybe it has to do with stabilizing your personal life, or maybe you just want to go on a vacation because well… why the hell not?

In some cases you may just intake information on a neutral basis and not even attempt to alter anything currently or use it for a future circumstance or relate it to a past event. That is usually where your subconscious kicks in. Like a sponge, your mind may not use this information immediately for some sort of derivative.

However this may seem, you may find that there is a necessity to altering an aspect in your life.

That’s when you know something must change.

This is where you begin to take control.

It is kind of like looking within from outside of the looking glass of life and stopping to check what’s going on… if that metaphor works for you.

As long as you understand the concept of insight you’re golden.

This ability to gauge your intentions for the future will be predicated upon your own self awareness. Using it wisely can deepen not only the connection you have with yourself and your goals but with others simultaneously.

What a win-win situation.

Like cogs in a wheel to a bigger picture we are all connected by the constant change that effortlessly moves about life itself. Insight is a blessing not only for change but life in general. You always want to be learning no matter where you go in life because if you’re always learning about where you’re going in life, you can always achieve your goals.

This is the momentum you’re searching for. This is what links to change itself.

Now you could say that being this aware of change in life is completely irrelevant. I mean who in there right mind wants to be constantly looking for ways to improve their life or feel like they need to gauge their awareness? Maybe no one wants to do that. Maybe most of us just want to curl up into a ball at the end of the day, drink some hot tea and put on some Netflix.

Honestly… it doesn’t sound like a bad idea.

That could totally be for you but I think it is important to recognize that at some points in life we may need to adapt to these skills of self awareness, change and outlook on the horizon. It gives us a chance to start all over again or to pick up where we left off…

For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the courage to start all over again.

Now this is actually an Eric Roth quotation not a F. Scott Fitzgerald quote. Eric created this for the screenplay and adaptation of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

In short, basically it means that at any point in your life you can choose what to change in order to determine the direction, meaning, outcome and fulfillment of your own life. What better way could there be than to grab life by the balls and do it yourself?

It is change that will become your friend as things continue to do so because we can only ever move forwards in life not backwards.

Keep moving forward!

Not only can change become your best friend through insight but it can also help you with external factors that you don’t have control over. Thanks to the wise words of an old friend of mine I was able to realize that in order for me to change things in my own life I needed to keep moving forward. This is why I now see change as an opportunity of growth. Hopefully you can do so too as things progress over the years. It will only be a matter of time before we all look back on our own lives. I am not saying there aren’t parts of your life that you can value or cherish and keep the same but there are some things that clearly need adjustments. Things can change in the blink of an eye so you might as well grab hold of things while you can. Everyone is looking for peace, love and happiness one way or another in their own lives. Learn the difference between what you can change and what you cannot. Use this knowledge to your advantage and you will never regret it…

So why not start today?

Why not make the changes required to do so?

Why not catalyze a ripple effect that can positively influence yourself and others?

Who knows.

The only person who will ever know the answer to these questions is yourself. And the only way to find out is to take action.

This is how you utilize change.

Remember to keep in mind that change can be an opportunity of growth and you get to choose how you want to live your life. You control the outcome as long as you have the power to do so.

So stay consistent because change is the only constant. More to come…

