Purpose & Reward

Logan Austin
Freedom of Lifestyle
4 min readJul 1, 2021


“Finding a way to connect the intention with the outcome and learning what it’s all about along the way.”

Have you ever found yourself at an absolute loss of motivation?

I think everyone has at one point or another.

There comes a time in some people’s life where they have to reevaluate their own goals and find what it is that keeps them going, whatever that is. Other people may not even have goals to begin with. This is why it is important to find out what you want in life, no matter how big or small.

Either way, due to our human nature, we all get to a point of plateau or limited mindset where we just do not have the energy or the brainpower to keep moving forwards in life to spawn change. We feel a lack of motivation.

However, if you can find reason to encourage why you’re doing something or what you’re doing and reward yourself in the end, then it will be all the more worth it. This creates a positive feedback loop.

This is when everything changes. This is how you start to operate differently and alternate your approach to personal growth when it matters most. This is where you can sustain what works and make it enjoyable.

Remember, there is always going to be more than one way of doing things.

That is the game changer. Stay passionate and fall in love with your process(es).

Of course, it’s hard to do this when everywhere you look all you see is defeat, fear, destruction, decay and isolation, inside and out. Especially given the world’s current circumstances over the past two years, I think we can all relate on the level of wanting things to improve in one way or another.

No matter who you are or what you’re doing, there is always going to be something you want now, at the end of the day or maybe later on in life. People want the chance to have more or be better even though not all of us know how to make that become a reality.

This is where having purpose and some sort of reward in life becomes vital. Otherwise, without these two variables not only would we not want to continue in life, but we also would have a hard time learning from experiences, strengthening our mindsets and perception of reality as well as feeling a sense of fulfillment for the effort we set out towards said goals and achievements.

“In life, if you don’t risk anything, you risk everything.”

— Deb Sofield

Finding your purpose in life isn’t easy, but once you do it life can become much more enjoyable. There are going to be times when you’ll have to do what you do not want to do just to find it, but when all is said and done the challenge will strengthen your character in the long run.

Let’s say you’ve struggled more than once at a certain aspect in life and all you want is to excel in that one particular part. Or maybe you’ve heard what other’s think about you and you wonder how that can be applicable in life or what it all means. Maybe you just have a story that hasn’t been discovered or shared in a long time and all you want is to be understood. Whatever the reason is, you can always find a way to give back to the community, find a way to be grateful or practice something that helps change your perspective or the others’ around you for the better. Maybe it’s not even part of this list of examples. Maybe it’s something completely different. Educate yourself until you find out.

Any way that you choose look at it, there is potential inside you.

As far as reward goes it is important to choose a reward that is not only something you enjoy but something that you know will be enjoyable on a consistent basis. If it’s not, then maybe switch it up. Treat yourself and care for yourself in as many ways possible. This will allow your imagination to take place for a horizon of contentment. Utilizing these options will also keep things exciting and new.

Now, how can all of this be applied? What makes it all worth it and why even bother starting?

You get to decide that’s the best part. It’s your life. I believe that fulfillment, a sense of satiation, happiness, connection, peace of mind, something to look forward to in a day or a reason to wake up are all more than enough reasons to make it all worth it. Maybe even a reason to not give up on life anymore. No one wants to be sad and feel empty inside all the time. Sure there will be moments where you will feel down and have time to process that, but you can’t let that constantly tear you down otherwise you may fall into a downwards spiral. Don’t give up on yourself. Give yourself time if you need to but most of all look inside and realize that there is something there even if you can’t see it clearly yet. Open your mind and your eyes to a new perspective. Create your purpose. Enjoy life to the best of your ability and give something back to yourself for what work you have poured into your personal life. There will only ever be you, what’s inside and what surrounds you in life, so you might as well make the best of it.

Stay engaged.

