Lab 5: Photos. Story 2. A walk in the woods

Logan’s Portfolio
3 min readOct 14, 2020

Going for a walk in the woods. My parents live in a wooded area with a pond and a trail that loops around the property. The scenery is wonderfully picturesque in the fall, so I decided to go for a walk around the property and take a few pictures for this lab.

Photo by Logan Childs

Here is a low shot of the two track that loops through the woods. I chose a low angle to show more of the carpet of leaves that covers the entire ground every fall.

Photo by Logan Childs

A short walk will reveal one of the few massive oak trees on the property. There is a hunting shack next to it ready for deer season.

Photo by Logan Childs

The many fallen trees host a large number of different fungi. While not that colorful this kind has an interesting growth pattern.

Photo by Logan Childs

Well I made it halfway and didn’t wear my boots. The path has spots that floods often, time for a detour off the track.

Photo by Logan Childs

The canopy is loosing its leaves fast, but makes for a good photo.

Photo by Logan Childs

I found a more colorful fungi while off of the trail. Now hopefully I can find my way back.

Photo by Logan Childs

Managed to find the track again. And I an see the clearing through the trees. Almost done.

Photo by Logan Childs

Good thing I found my way back. The sky grew a lot darker quickly and it might rain. Here is the pond not too far from the house.

Photo by Logan Childs

On the other side of the pond from the photo above is the pergola that my Mom and stepdad got married under.

Photo by Logan Childs

I managed to lure the two catfish that have been in the pond for many years with a pebble. The fish here swim right up to the shore wanting food.

Photo by Logan Childs

Here is another view of the pond from closer to the house. The pergola is barely visible behind the pine tree on the left. The large stone was moved here from the Chippewa river many years ago.

Photo by Logan Childs

It didn’t rain, so I took a couple more photos around the house. Here is some fresh cut firewood my stepdad cut for the woodstove. Trees fall across the trail all the time from wind, so we have plenty of it.

Photo by Logan Childs

Finally a pumpkin ready for carving, since it is October. The many oranges, yellows, and reds are one of the reason fall is my favorite season.

