Screen Time Graphic Lab

Logan’s Portfolio
2 min readSep 24, 2020

The graphic here shows my phone use habits over the course of a week showing the top three sections. The top section is the focal point of the graphic, as it is above the other sections and brighter than the others. This draws the eye to the section first. It gives us some simple information about what the graphic is about, screen time. It shows the total screen time over the course of one week. The eye is then drawn to the left, as there is more weight to the left side, and the graphic is ‘read’ from left to right like how we normally read, and the colors are all compliment each other.

On the left the most screen time is shown, a language learning app called Duolingo. The time spent over the course of the week is shown and beneath it a visual representation is shown. One clock is intended to represent one hour, and the final clock has about 20 minutes removed to show the 40 minutes remaining.

The bottom center section shows a severe decrease in screen time, about 2 hours’ worth, and spread over 2 different apps at that, Safari and Reddit. The final section has the least amount of time spent, only about 20 minutes, not even a whole clock, spread over three apps: Discord, Slack, and Photos. Discord and Slack are networking apps that I use for communication with friends and school activities, photos are included here because I often use the app to send pictures over these apps when in conversation with friends.

The three sections are broken up this way because the Screentime app built into my phone automatically placed the most used apps in three main categories: education for Duolingo, reading and referencing for Safari and Reddit, and networking and creativity for Discord/Slack and Photos. These three categories only add up to about 6 hours total, meaning there was an extra two hours that was divided among all other used apps not shown, however, the time spent on these apps was less than 20 minutes or they would have shown up in a category.

There is an error I noticed as well. I know I use Audible and Spotify daily, four about an hour combined total each day. This did not show up on the Screentime app because when listening to them the phone is in standby mode and the screen is not in use.

