Youtube and Content Creators

Logan’s Portfolio
3 min readSep 17, 2020

Youtube is a large online video sharing site. The basic model is that youtube provides a platform to upload and share videos. Content creators of all ages and levels of professionalism can create a profile to upload their content. Before attempting to become a content creator on Youtube it is important to understand the nuances of the monetization rules and copywrite issues content creators often face.

The more popular a content creator is and the larger their following, the more they can potentially be paid. However, this is not as simple as it seems. Youtube has strict rules on monetization and just what kind of videos can be monetized.

Violent content, profane language, and other harsh content is often demonetized, as ad agencies do not want their ads or their clients associated with that kind of content. While this is important for Youtube’s relation to advertisers’, it can cause issues for the content creators who provide Youtube with views and ad revenue.

There are also legal issues that Youtube and content creators must face that do not involve advertisements. The largest of these issues surrounds copyright infringement ranging from music to popular video and movie clips and images. Often content creators are not aware of the proper methods to obtaining the rights to use popular music and video.

This puts youtube in a tough position as they are forced to take action against their content creators so they do not get in legal trouble. Content creators then get frustrated with Youtube for taking action against them, most often by removing their video(s). Understanding copywriting laws and conventions will help content creators avoid Youtube striking their content for copywrite infringement.

When building your brand it is important to have a specific target audience in mind. This helps to refine your message and make it much more effective with the audience. This helps because today there are many different content creators all competing with one another for views. Often there are many content creators for the same topic, especially if it is a popular one. When deciding a topic to make content around, make sure to look at other content creators for that topic to learn what works, and learn of any areas they missed, or you can build on.

As youtube grew in popularity, the prospect of earning money from uploading videos and building an audience has become more and more viable to people with the right technical and social knowledge to do so. Many people have found jobs working with or as these content creators in order to build a niche audience/following.

There are now organizations whose sole purpose is to provide a multi-channel network for content creators. A multi-channel network connects the content creator to the many different popular platforms and sites that host content creators. This service makes it easier for prospective content creators to network with many platforms, reaching a larger audience.

While it is true that content creation is a competitive field, it is also true that there is an explosive rise in the use of new media. There is also demand for more niche content thanks to the fracturing of audience groups and the availability of easy to use programs. This lowers the cost to create professional level content and opens the door for many amateur content creators to hone their craft and be successful.

