Crypto With Chinese Characteristics: Eric Meltzer on the New New Thing

A conversation about the booming world of Chinese blockchain

Logic Magazine
Logic Magazine


Photo: eclipse_images/E+/Getty Images

Interview by Xiaowei Wang

Eric Meltzer is a Peking University dropout and a founding partner at Primitive Ventures, an Asian blockchain investment firm. He first acquired his extensive knowledge of the cryptocurrency world as a partner at INBlockchain, one of the world’s top blockchain and crypto funds. As a frequent trans-Pacific traveler, he’s embedded in both Chinese and US crypto scenes, and chronicles the bleeding edge of crypto development in his weekly newsletter Proof of Work.

Logic’s Xiaowei Wang sat down with Eric Meltzer in early 2019 to discuss the past, present, and future of crypto in China.

Xiaowei Wang: Could you start off by introducing yourself and what do you do?

Eric Meltzer: I am a partner at Primitive Ventures where we do early-stage investment and interesting cryptocurrency stuff. Before that I was a partner INBlockchain, which is the largest crypto fund in China with a couple billion dollars under management, depending on the daily price of Bitcoin. I’m still a venture partner there but I focus full-time on Primitive.

