Science and Social Science

Saahil Parekh
Logical Economics
Published in
2 min readJun 27, 2017

Following is a quote by Friedrich Hayek from his book “The Counter Revolution of Science” written in 1952. Although terribly verbose, I think it holds tremendous relevance to the technological age we are in and what the future holds in store for us, particularly areas like Big Data, artificial intelligence and virtual reality.

The more our technical civilization advances and the more, therefore, the study of things as distinct from the study of men and their ideas qualifies for the more important and influential positions, the more significant becomes the gulf that separates two different types of mind: the one represented by the man whose supreme ambition is to turn the world round him into an enormous machine, every part of which, on his pressing a button, moves according to his design; and the other represented by the man whose main interest is the growth of the human mind in all its aspects, who in the study of history or literature, the arts or the law, has learned to see the individuals as part of a process in which his contribution is not directed but spontaneous, and where he assists in the creation of something greater than he or any other single mind can ever plan for.

It is this awareness of being part of a social process, and of the manner in which individual efforts interact, which the education solely in the sciences or in technology seems so lamentably to fail to convey. It is not surprising that many of the more active minds among those so trained sooner or later react violently against the deficiencies of their education and develop a passion for imposing on society the order which they are unable to detect by the means with which they are familiar.

As we make progress and as technology becomes an increasingly inseparable part of our everyday lives, we really need to distinguish between science and social science, and we need to realize that the former is necessary but no longer sufficient. Science is a tool for creating systems of order that augment our lives and improve them. Social science is a study of humankind, its social and societal structures, and the inherent intangible value that comes from creating and respecting shared values and individual rights.

Science, in its goal of being fully deterministic, can never comprehend social science. Science is antithetical to social science.

But as scientists, we can still hold value for all the things that are beyond the grasp of solvable systems of equations. Just like we hold value for the fact that we still can’t explain the purpose of our existence.



Saahil Parekh
Logical Economics

Researcher turned entrepreneur, sustainability enthusiast, urban farmer, columnist at Business Standard (