Did we unknowingly follow a great idea?

Logically Sound!
Published in
5 min readMar 19, 2020

Funeral rites of Hinduism decoded!

A curious mind, I like to question little things. Why and How are some of my close buddies!

This blog too comes from one of the many Why’s I throw around.

You must have heard of the Indian tradition about burning the corpse when the soul has left the body.


Saving space could have been a possible motive! After all, no one wants a city built over millions of graves. Na-ah!

However, this has more to it than I saw. Much more!

The traditions of different cultures hold many ideas that may seem crazy at first glance. When understood scientifically, they start to make a greater sense!

Science and Religion are too closely related. You know what I mean if you have read Dan Brown books.

ok! Let’s get to know this one then!

What They Say!

Spiritually, the Hindus cremate their dead as it offers a more complete release of the soul.

It is believed that post-death, the soul hovers close to the earth plane. It is emotionally attached to its earthly material life.

Burial is believed to preserve the psychic connection of the soul to its earthly life.

The funeral rites in the Hindu tradition of burning the body signifies a spiritual release. It gives the soul a chance to accept its death and move on to the heavenly plane.

Well, at least that’s where we hope the souls are headed.

There are chants narrated at the funeral rites. These urge the soul to leave all its earthly attachments and continue its spiritual journey.

Fire cuts all ties to earthly life, giving momentum to the soul.

The Hindu style of asking the SOUL to let go! Strange we are learning this on Earth and the Astral World!

However, there is more to it than just the spiritual aspect. There is SCIENCE behind it all.

Let’s Logic It, shall we?

So, Why is burning better than a burial? Burial is not wrong, just burning is better!

Let’s take someone who has lived a healthy and happy 80 years on earth. Let’s call them ‘Who-Man.’ Right from the day Who-Man is born till the very end of his wonderful life, he has lived a happy one.

A life with good organic food rich in nutrients, nice clothes made of silk and satin, a good home built to cater to his comfort, a car to get to places, air conditioners to beat the heat, of course electricity so your phone does not die down. WOW! So many things one can think of here. Endless huh?

How he gets it though? The answer is simple.

He built all these comforts by taking from Nature, what she had to offer.

Wood to build his home, soil to grow his food, minerals to build his immunity, silk for his clothes, water for his thirst, and just about so much more. His entire essence is made with all things nature has to provide.

This is just one man.

Yes, Nature is here to help us survive, but is she here for us to exploit too?

I think we have been taking her for granted! A little too much. Let’s get to that in a different blog soon!

Coming back to Who-Man, his being is made of Nature’s precious ingredients. He is made of earth, water, air and fire.

After living a happy life, when Who-Man leaves his body, it is time to give back to Nature, all she gave so willingly.

The give back needs to happen now, considering how the environment needs our help more than ever!

Well, we are to blame too, so problem creators need to be the solvers too, to the best of what can be done.

This is the barter for the luxurious life Nature gave you. Not a demanding one either. Nature is only asking you to give bac. when you are done.

Know that when the body is burnt, it breaks down back into the elements of Nature.

Let’s bring in the science now!

  • EARTH — The body is bio-degradable, so when burnt, it makes the soil fertile. Nature gets revived of the minerals she gave you and makes it available to the next-gen, almost instantly.
    A buried body on the hand, needs bacteria to multiply many folds, just to be able to decompose it. We are looking at millions of years here. The good thing though, Earth is replenished with fossil fuels like coal & petroleum coz of burials, but millions of years later. Only when the burial has seeped so deep that it reaches the core of Earth.
  • WATER — The ashes and bones left unburnt are poured over in Ganga River, in the second part of the Hindu rituals.
    Are we polluting our rivers?
    With all the other crappy stuff we do — YES! With these ashes and bones though — NO!
    These contain the minerals our body was made with. Like Calcium, Phosphorous and all. With this ritual, we are returning it to the resource. Making it rich in minerals once again!
    Burials, the bacteria are still working on it I guess.
  • AIR — Who-Man had plenty of oxygen available to him. No, this oxygen supply does not end as plants are constantly releasing oxygen thanks to Photosynthesis. (Don’t tell me I have to explain that too?).
    One thing these plants need for photosynthesis is carbon dioxide. Noticed how we breathe that out?
    The burning rites, too, releases large quantities of carbon dioxide. I can already see the plants smile for that. Thank us for returning something, in the form they can best accept.
    Burials, decomposition ain’t done yet.
  • FIRE — The funeral rites burn the body of the undesirable material. Any possible living virus, unhealthy enzymes, and more. Especially, if the person has passed away due to illness.
    The fire burns it all and rids the environment of these undesirable and disease creating elements.
    Burials, STILL STILL being decomposed.
    Meanwhile, any living virus has survived, as the soil gives it a breathable home. From here its journey back to the world is simple.
    Soil — plants — food — YOU!

No wonder every virus outburst we see is stronger than the previous. Takes more lives and leads to higher global concerns.

The vaccines and cures for these stronger infections take much more time and effort to develop too.

Yes, burial has its advantages. But do you think we have millions of years available?

Nature needs us now & this is just one of the many things that can be done from our end.

If there existed an idea, let’s rationalise it and see it through to its logical end, than just following something we heard.

This, of course, is to the best of my knowledge. I am still working on more Why’s and How’s. If you have them decoded, share with me.

Coming soon with more “Decode the tradition” blogs!

If you have one in mind, share it so we can uncover it together.

No one wins in the fight of Science and Religion! They are soulmates that help discover the best of each other!



Logically Sound!

A simple gal from a not so simple city, enjoying every bit of this mis-match. Here to bring my world of words to you!