Does fear supersede logic?

Facts get moulded when you are not ready

Logically Sound!
4 min readJun 6, 2020


Ever been tricked into doing something in the name of religion or superstitions? Or in fact, provoked to do something backed by fear?

“God will not be happy if you do this” — Sounds familiar?

I am sure it does. I have been there too.

How many times does one then work on understanding the real reason behind it? Is it, in fact, a blind superstition creating fear to take an action or is there more to it?

In my humble yet extremely curiosity backed opinion, everything has a science behind it.

Yes, I do believe in the higher power and the fact that some things just cannot be explained. But well, somethings can be.

These are the things I wish to know more about and share with my readers.

I am a Hindu and often have been told to regularly visit the temple regularly, especially when you are feeling low. I did as I was told. I do not have any offence with the thought or the action.

I do though hold a certain curiosity, that why is it that my prayers will be heard only within the temple and not any other place. Why is it so emphasized to lift my mood up?

Well, of course, I was wrong. The higher source hears our prayers even from the weirdest of places. Going to the temple had a different purpose altogether.

At first, I thought maybe it is the positive energy of prayers which makes one feel better. When I got thinking though, I felt, everyone, goes to share their woes and worries with God. Is it really positive energy they are leaving there or their worries?

That spooked me out.

Why are people asked to visit the temple to uplift the low feeling?

Wanna know what it is?

It is this secret treasure that the temples have. No wonder our temples hold such importance in every political, social, mental and emotional scenario of our lives. Well, I know political may not be the right one hear. Anyways. I’d like to think of it as a sane world.

What is this secret after all?

Well, you know how oxygen is crucial to your existence. This is what is taken advantage of at the temples. It gives you a boost of oxygen that heals the mind and body.

How you may ask?

You have heard of the Peepal Tree, right? The one under which, Gautam Buddha attained his enlightenment.

It is a beautiful huge tree with a set of extensive roots. Its shade feels cool and gives you the sense of God’s palm showering you with love.

Did you know it is the only type of tree that gives out oxygen during the day as well as during the night? Yes, that is a whole lot of oxygen.

Thanks to this, it makes the Peepal tree the cure of more than 50 disorders and thus an absolutely exceptional plant species.

Now you must be wondering, why not just have one planted near our homes?

Well as the saying rightly goes, excess of anything is bad, it applies to oxygen too.

As essential as it is to the very existence, excess of oxygen is not good for humans. Increased oxygen intake can lead to damage of cell membranes, the collapse of the alveoli in the lungs and possibly seizures.

That is precisely the reason why this plant is preferred to be grown at a space where the excess oxygen is constantly used up in various ways. It is a miracle then, nature ensures the same. You will rarely find this plant naturally growing in homes.

Now you why it is usually found in temples, where there is a continuous flow of people, especially on festivals. Though Corona will change a lot of that.

This is another reason why temple priests advice lighting diyas and candles under the Peepal tree so that the oxygen is taken up in appropriate amounts.

When one feels a little low or unwell, he is advised to head to the temple and lit a diya under the peepal tree, or simply chant a mantra. As much as that has its own meaning, the idea is to make you stand under the peepal tree for 10 minutes, so you can take up a good dose of oxygen and refresh yourself.

You will automatically start to feel fresher and better.

Bam! Mission Accomplished.

So the next time you are asked to visit the temple, you know why!

How curiosity leads to wondrous knowledge!

Just like this, there are many other secret sciences behind everything you are asked to follow under the name of religion.

Respect it! Don’t be afraid to question it.

So what should be questioned next?



Logically Sound!

A simple gal from a not so simple city, enjoying every bit of this mis-match. Here to bring my world of words to you!