Business not performing well? Fight market competition with our AI..

Aishwarya Gaikwad
Logicspin Services LLC
2 min readJul 16, 2019

Often business owners are worried about the changing market conditions and the rising competition. We all know a product goes through 4 stages in a lifecycle — introduction , growth , maturity and decline.

Fight competition with Logicspin Services AI based MR techniques

For all those who don’t know, the PLC or a product life cycle is similar to that of a baby — just like a baby is born the product is introduced in the market, then it grows — sales improve , the products is widely accepted by channel partners , distributors , retailers , etc. In the maturity stage , the competition enters the market and sales begin to slow down , this is where businesses can think of alternatives or immediately stop production to save on resources and finally the decline stage where the product dies — meaning the competition completely takes over and no longer is the brand able to survive the tough market.

Unfortunately every business goes through this phase be it product or service — it is completely inevitable. The best suggestion any marketer would give such brands would be — trying to modify existing product or launching a new product to attract a new segment of audience.

For new product launchesLogicspin Services helps in designing and implementing new product development strategies and diversification strategies.

For modifying existing productLogicspin Services helps in designing new market introduction / penetration strategies and market development strategies.

However market re-segmentation or launching a new product is not as easy as it seems. It requires rigorous planning and most importantly market research.

With Logicspin Services , LLC — one could easily check on competitive analysis based on current trends through their smart AI algorithms. The major problem with market research is that its not updated, researches are done based on information available before — with Logicspin Services , one can easily opt for updated research frequently , so the data collected can be validated easily and can be used to create a strong market analysis.

Logicspin Services, LLC is a digital marketing agency based out of USA and India and is leveraging more on AI and data sciences to help customers get a better real time experience, all this comes with unlimited cups of coffee and absolutely free brand consultation.

So for businesses planning to alter or launch new products, look no further we have everything from brand consultation , brand management , customer knowledge management (CKM), sales forecasting , sales promotion strategy , Marketing Intelligence Systems(MIS) ,etc everything under one roof.

