Logion’s secure proofing of evidence

logion network
Published in
5 min readNov 11, 2023

Logion is securing digital evidence : why is it so important in today’s web3 global society and economy?

In law, proof is the demonstration of the reality and truth of a fact. The administration of proof is a major element when it comes to protecting our rights in every jurisdiction.

While the world is going digital, blockchain cryptographic characteristics may have led people to believe that anchoring digitized information in a blockchain register would be sufficient to make the attached information certain in terms of proof. However, as the facts have shown, it is now better understood that the certain quality of a blockchain trace does not prove the consistency of the facts and obligations attached to this digital trace: trace is not proof.

This is where Logion comes in with its unique “system of evidence record”, to organize the administration of evidence in blockchain environments, and thus unleash the full potential of this technology for Web3 and the traditional economy.

When it comes to the administration of evidence, there is already a well-defined hierarchy, the principles of which are generally and internationally accepted. This hierarchy classifies evidence according to its probative value and admissibility, ranging from written evidence with a certain date to miscellaneous evidence without a certain date. Signed written evidence with a certain date comes at the top of the hierarchy, just after an authentic document.

In the digital era, how does Logion’s innovative approach meet this need for evidence management?

1. Written evidence with a certain date

Traditionally, written evidence with a date certain is considered to have the greatest probative value, as it is difficult to contest.

With Logion: every document integrated into the LOC, even if signed, is automatically time-stamped with a second blockchain date. This immutability guarantees the document’s temporal integrity, ensuring that every piece of written evidence has a certain, verifiable date.

2. Written evidence without a certain date

Such evidence, although valid, can be more easily contested due to the absence of a certain date .

With Logion: even if a document is initially without a date certain, its integration into the LOC_Logion Officer Case (certified digital file) gives it a blockchain date, transforming evidence without a certain date into evidence with a certain date on the day of its integration into the LOC.

3. Oral sworn evidence

Oral evidence is by nature less reliable than written evidence. Because it is not material, its value is linked above all to the identity and quality of the declarant. Oaths can improve the quality of oral evidence, as they consist of a sworn commitment to obligations or ethics, including the absence of conflicts of interest.

With Logion: the identity and status of the declarant are verified, and if necessary, his or her swearing-in for common law jurisdictions. Also, the transcription or recording of oral evidence guarantees its inalterability and that it has been gathered in compliance with the protective procedural rules that apply.

4. Signing of transactions

The signature of the parties contributes to the probative value of a document.

With Logion: signed or not, everyone who feeds documents into the LOC (Logion Officer Case) signs each transaction. This signature guarantees the integrity of the information and creates a link of responsibility between the signatory and the document. This accountability is fully traceable.

5. Logion’s technical contributions

This technology can greatly enhance the reputation of Logion’s evidence.

  • Encrypted IPFS network: Data security and integrity are guaranteed through the use of a private, encrypted IPFS network under the responsibility of the Legal Officers.
  • Zero-knowledge registration system (ZKP): This technology confirms the existence of information on the blockchain without revealing its content, offering an optimal balance between transparency and confidentiality.

6. Final approval by a Legal Officer

Validation by a recognized authority reinforces the legitimacy of the evidence administered by Logion.

At the end of the process, each LOC (Logion Officer Case) is electronically validated by the signature of a Legal Officer, such as a Bailiff. This final validation attests to the authenticity and legitimacy of the entire process and documents.


Logion offers a robust and innovative response to traditional evidence management, guaranteeing the authenticity, legitimacy and verifiability of evidence in a digital context. Evidence in a digital context covers many needs and requirements, such as but not only limited to regulatory compliance Thanks to its unique combination of technology and legal input from legal and accounting professionals, Logion is positioned as a solid tool for evidence management in the digital age.

Logion in a nutshell

Logion is a pioneering blockchain platform that transforms tokens into legal-grade digital assets. By integrating advanced blockchain technology with a robust legal framework, Logion ensures that tokens are backed by verifiable rights, obligations, and real-world assets. Through its unique “Proof of Law” concept, the platform guarantees the legitimacy and enforceability of tokens, bridging the gap between the digital and physical realms. Operated by a decentralized network of Judicial Officers and built on a secure infrastructure, Logion aims to revolutionize tokenization, making it transparent, trustworthy, and accessible to all.

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For a deeper understanding of Logion and its vision, read the Logion white paper.

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logion network
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Logion is a pioneering blockchain platform that transforms tokens into legal-grade digital assets through its unique "Proof of Law" concept.