New partnership MAGMA x LOGION: Certifying data in the digital twin for a responsible data economy !

logion network
Published in
2 min readJan 5, 2024

Magma & Logion are partnering to ensure that strategic and sensitive data in the digital twin is certified, with legal traceability as to who certifies and in what capacity and who gets access to this strategic/sensitive data !

Both are Web3 and blockchain pioneers in their own right, working today to facilitate the emergence of digital assets that are reliable, valuable and secure.

Magma is a real estate management tool of the next/now generation. By creating a unique digital asset in the form of a digital twin token (a dynamic NFT), connected to its stakeholders, Magma is redefining real estate management for the 21st Century.

Logion is a next/now generation network that administers data quality (i.e. legal-grade proof) in the web3 environnent, enabling the creation of ZKP (Zero-Knowledge Proof) certificates that economically and legally frame blockchain-based digital operations, with or without tokens.

So why partner and why now ?

√ Digital twin technology is weaving its way into the fabric of our industry, paving the way for innovation and transformation of real world industries, such as the real estate industry, with real world environmental impact at a time when it is more than ever necessary.

√ Magma’s DTT is a case in fact on data sharing in property management, with multiple stakeholders recording all types of technical, legal, normative and expert data, some of which need to be specifically certified as to their provenance and the qualifications of the verifiers that guarantee the value of the data in the digital twin : where quality, accessibility, protection and monetization of data are key.

√ Logion’s certification enhances both the transparency and accuracy of the data collected, without revealing its content, protected in ZKP mode, with restricted access, guaranteeing the confidentiality of the data, ensuring that data can be entrusted under the aegis of the rule of law.

√ Data security and sovereignty is a real concern for both parties : Logion stores its data in a private, encrypted IPFS, managed by a decentralized network of Legal Officers whose very ethical and professional status adds a further layer of legal and regulatory compliance, through a neutral and independent process.

√ By building now/next generation tools that facilitate the emergence of digital assets, both Magma and Logion are laying the foundations for transformation and

Get involved!

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logion network
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Logion is a pioneering blockchain platform that transforms tokens into legal-grade digital assets through its unique "Proof of Law" concept.