Upcoming battle between Angular JS and React JS in 2019

Logistic InfoTech
Published in
3 min readFeb 16, 2019

Introducing Angular JS and React JS

The Angular vs. React comparison is an all the fume topic. Angular JS and React JS are two of the significant development framework mostly developers use around the world for creating dynamic web-based applications. Both of these frameworks are usually being used for the front-end development which means the look and feel of the website, i.e. creating the front face of any website. Giants like Facebook, Google and Amazon have experienced massive success with their web apps been developed on these frameworks.

How Angular JS Dominated the Development World

Angular also known as Angular JS is the product of Google introduced in the year 2010. In no time Angular JS started dominating the developer’s clan reason being that developers can now create a single page application or website, hence, eliminating the hassle of loading a new page every time while browsing the app or web page.

Why was Angular JS Prejudiced?

Again in the year 2013, Facebook came up with React JS which gave developers the ability to save all the data in the application in a single place. The MVC pattern feature of Angular was prejudiced which means developers who wanted to use Angular need to follow the Angular way. This feature was contrasting with React JS.

Increase in Popularity of React JS

React JS allowed developers to store the data at a central location and the liberty to use any other library alongside. This made React JS a preferred choice among the front-end developers community. Also, React JS development Companies recommend it for creating intuitive web applications.

This debate over the internet has put a lot of people into a confusing state of mind. The popularity of React JS because of Facebook doesn’t make Angular anymore irrelevant.

The Statistics of a Recent Survey

Having all said, you may be further interested in knowing the statistics of a recent survey which says Angular was rated 11% higher than React JS considering the most popular technology which was a bit higher in the last year. This drastic change has been definitely because of the growing popularity of Angular and being a personal favorite of the developer’s community.

As per the survey, both Node JS and Angular JS are the most commonly used technologies with React JS still being one of the imperative technologies for many developers.

Why Angular JS is still the Ideal Choice

Even though Angular and React are entirely different but unique in their functionalities, we cannot deny the fact that Angular JS has taken over React in many aspects. This makes Angular JS the ideal framework for the developer’s community.

Not to forget how React based Redux is being used by developers along with Angular which drastically changed the way developers used to build web apps. Hence, this further adds positive points to Angular being a favoured framework.

Also, React JS is not a comprehensive framework but a means to solve the rendering problems with different web applications. However, React can be paired with Flux or Redux if you want a filled framework.

Key Takeaways

Both Angular JS and React JS are highly-performing, superior and extensively used globally. However, the numbers totally speak for itself i.e. Angular has taken over React, but developers still debate on this based on many factors where React JS clearly takes the weight.

Let us hope to get a clear picture of this in the year 2019 where both React JS and AngularJS development companies will come up with strong points to support their statements.

