Advisor Profile: Hawon Chung

Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2018

Hawon Chung is the COO and Co-Founder of Blue Whale Foundation (BWX), which empowers the world’s freelance community by creating the largest worker-centric decentralized ecosystem where independent workers can pursue their passions and get the value they deserve from the gig economy.

Hawon holds a wide breadth of experience through multiple positions at various global companies including Sun Microsystems, Oracle, Splunk, and Elastic.

Hawon Chung — COO & Co-Founder, Bluewhale Foudation

“The partnership enables LogisticsX to leverage on the Blue Whale Contribution Activity Manager (CAM) to keep track of the rewards earned through stakeholder activities.” I am hopeful for what LogisticsX has to offer and strongly believes that it will make “a positive impact on the last mile logistics industry”.

With Hawon as our advisor, we believe that the partnership between Blue Whale and LogisticsX will be greatly enhanced.

Furthermore, Hawon started blockchain business as the CEO of ChainTOB, a global blockchain service operator from 2017. He strongly believes blockchain would change the world in the end. LogisticsX would definitely have an advantage in implementing blockchain into our ecosystem with Hawon’s expertise and advise.

With Blue Whale’s recent successful ICO, we look forward to having Hawon onboard to strengthen LogisticsX’s strategy, focusing on execution for exponential growth to outstrip the competition.

Welcome to the team, Hawon!

Learn more about our other advisors in the weeks to come.

About LogisticsX

LogisticsX aims to utilise blockchain technology to create a decentralised platform that will tackle the challenges in the last-mile logistics. It is envisioned that the trustless nature of the platform will provide the foundation for a harmonized ecosystem between the different stakeholders involved in the last-mile process. LogisticsX will introduce sharing economy into the ecosystem, utilizing untapped space (Parker) and time (Runner) to further enhance the efficiency.

LogisticsX envisions to set forth the global common standard for the connection between logistics stakeholders to increase efficiency in a global parcel delivery network.

Further Readings:





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