Global Supply Chain and Logistics Alliance (Post Event)

Megan Farquhar
Published in
2 min readJan 7, 2019

On the 26th of November 2018, LogisticsX went to Bangkok to attend the Global Supply Chain and Logistics Alliance (GSLA) Private Party, along with other players in the logistics sector.

One of LogisticsX co-founders Gan Hong representing us here.
Listening to what LogisticsX plans to do with the last mile logistics sector.

It was great to see like minded people together, excited about LogisticsX.

Lots of meaningful discussions taking place.
Was not always serious and about work!
More fruitful collaborations witnessed here.
Truly an event for the books!

Since the GSLA party, LogisticsX has been featured in several articles online! Here are two that would be of interest:

Changing the Supply Chain industry is becoming more and more of an importance, especially since more people are asking for efficiency and more value in their product. GSLA is helping to remove those inefficiencies that require considerably more resources. We are proud to be one of these game-changers that the world needs.

Gyro Finance also highlighting LogisticsX.

Stay tuned for more events like this coming up in Singapore and quite possibly Korea!

