Implementing GDPR on Logitbox

Dr Idris Harding
Published in
2 min readMay 23, 2018

You may have noticed lots of web services are emailing you to ask you to “opt in” to future communications from them, to bring them into line with the new EU General Data Protection Regulation. At Logitbox, we haven’t done this as all our communications with Logitbox users are covered under our existing terms and conditions (Logitbox users agree to us contacting them in connection with their use of the site when they sign up). And if you’re not an Logitbox user, then you shouldn’t ever hear from us! So far, so simple…

Where it gets a bit more complicated is that we’ve taken the introduction of the GDPR as an opportunity to give our website terms and conditions their first major overhaul since we launched them back in 2015. The major changes we’ve made reflect the fact that Logitbox users now practise medicine in at least five different countries, whereas the original T&C were designed for a UK userbase.

We’ve also introduced a separate Privacy Notice, and — because the GDPR asks us to — this means we are telling you a lot more specifics about how we use your data. Most of this is commonsense stuff: if you enter details into Logitbox about your job, then we use that info to compile your logboook; if you decide to upgrade to a Premium account then we pass your name and email address to our payment services provider, etc, etc. We aren’t in this to harvest large amounts of data from you un-knowingly, and we don’t think you’ll find anything surprising in our new Privacy Notice.

Although we didn’t use cookies ourselves, we’ve also introduced a cookie policy, which lets you know about the third part cookies (from Google Analytics and Stripe — our payment service provider) that our website does update. Ironically, this means we have had to use our first cookie to track whether you’ve agreed to our cookies policy!!!

There is a lot of anxiety surrounding data security and personal data being leaked on the net, even moreso within the medical profession. You can rest assured that even though you must never use Logitbox to store identifiable patient data, the security and privacy of the data you upload to Logitbox is our prime concern.

We made Logitbox so you could easily organise and securely record your clinical training records. Check it out now at



Dr Idris Harding
Editor for

Consultant cardiologist and cardiac electrophysiologist