How do I increase the microphone pickup range of Rally Bar and Rally Bar Mini?


Rally Bar

For larger or more difficult rooms Rally Bar supports up to 4 Rally Mic pods. Rally Bar also supports up to 2 Mic Pod Hubs.

Note: If you plan on using the Rally Mic Pods, you will also need to use the Rally Mic Extension Cable — a 10-meter cable that connects to the back of the Rally Bar. You can use up to 2 of these cables with Rally Bar.

Rally Bar Mini

Rally Bar Mini supports up to 3 Rally Mic pods and also supports up to 2 Mic Pod Hubs

Note: If you plan on using the Rally Mic Pods, you will also need to use the Rally Mic Extension Cable — a 10-meter cable that connects to the back of the Rally Bar. You can use up to 2 of these cables with Rally Bar.

For more information on Microphones range and placement please see:

