What is the internal mic pickup range of the Rally Bar or Rally Bar Mini?

Andrew J. Mair
Design Advice for Logi VC
2 min readJul 29, 2022


Rally Mic Pods

The pickup range for both the Rally Bar and Rally Bar Mini is 4.5m / 15 ft.

The pickup range for both the Rally Bar and Rally Bar Mini is 4.5m / 15 ft

The Rally Bar has digital audio enhancements which may, in the right circumstances) increase the pickup range (possibly up to 22 feet). The AI digital Audio enhancements (called RightSound) are there to ensure every speaker is always heard with minimal background noise. However, it is not recommended to design around the possible pickup range using digital enhancements.

To understand why; a loose comparison can be made to taking digital imaging at one resolution and blowing that image up to a larger resolution. For example, if I have an image that was created at 420p and blow that image up to 1080p I would end up with an image that was pixelated.

It is a similar idea for the digital enhancements for audio. This is why Logitech recommends using the following guide to use the correct mix of internal and external microphones when designing a room solution. (see link below)


