LogMeIn Labs

Clare McInerney
LogMeIn Labs
Published in
1 min readAug 16, 2017

Who Are We?

LogMeIn Labs, is the new Innovation group at LogMeIn, and we exist to test the potential of ideas, spark invention and cultivate creativity at LogMeIn. Labs provides LogMeIn employees an opportunity to safely advance ideas with the support and guidance of innovative experts. They work to define needs, validate concepts, and teach LogMeIn employees a lean mindset. The team pushes for growth and evolution from within — battling the ever-present threat of complacency that comes with success. Labs recognizes that the minute a company stops growing it starts dying and that innovation, creation and invention are critical to sustainable, accelerated growth.

Mission: Growth.

LogMeIn Labs embodies growth: it is the heart and soul of invention, imagination and innovation at LogMeIn. Labs ignites creativity by providing a space and a methodology for the ideas of employees to grow. LogMeIn Labs represents the future of LogMeIn, and embodies the companies commitment to progress and development from within.

