Making sure you always look great

The Right File Type for the Job

Tom Verre


If you have a logo, your creative team likely sent assets in multiple file formats. These should provide you with graphics for all your basic branding needs, across various media, ensuring consistency which is the keystone to a strong public identity for your brand.

But what are these myriad file types? Never fear, it’s less confusing than it might initially appear. There are two basic kinds of graphics files out there, one for printing and one for screens, and though they can be interchanged, you’ll want to use the right file for the job. Here are the two kinds of files…

Vector files are made of math. They can be enlarged infinitely without looking blocky or blurry. These are perfect for printing as they can be blown up to billboard size and still look great. Vector files can have transparent backgrounds

Raster (or bitmap) files are made of pixels. This means they cannot be enlarged without loss of quality…so don’t do it. They are intended for use on screens at 100%. Please use caution on social media and other web services that may enlarge images to fit their preferred dimensions. When in doubt, use the largest image allowed as shrinking is better than enlarging when it comes to Rasters.

Here are some the file types you might have received:

.AI files are Vectors. These are source files created and opened with Adobe Illustrator.

.EPS files are Vectors. These are source files which can be opened with vector editing software.

.SVG files are Vectors. These are responsive, web-ready files, preferred for use on mobile.

.PDF files are Vectors. These are print-ready Adobe Acrobat files. Often preferred by print shops.

.PNG files are Raster files. PNGs keep text edges looking clean and can have transparent backgrounds.

.JPG files are Raster files. These are best used to keep photos from taking up to much space on your drive.

.GIF files are Raster files. GIFs can contain animation, though for other uses JPG or PNG is preferable.

Other graphic file types exist, but are no longer in wide use or are specific to 3D assets or animation and yikes, let’s not get into all of those just yet!

You’ll likely find that you are working with just one or two of these file types a majority of the time, but if you are confused, feel free to ping me and I’ll be happy to give you a hand. You can also find details for the major file types here on Wikipedia.

