Logos Tech Update

Carl Hua
Logos Network
Published in
2 min readFeb 14, 2019

February: Kick off, token capability, Logos Web Wallet SDK

For us at Logos, our community means a great deal, and we’d like to include you in the conversation and progress of what our team is doing. On a regular basis, we’ll be publishing our updates, so check back in, inquire about our process, and ask questions — we welcome all feedback!

And without further ado….

After a string of major development milestones coming in at the end of 2018 — the conclusion of the R1 build in November and the launch of the permissioned test net in December — we have hit an intermediate period where we are heads down working on the R2 build, to be completed by the end of February.

In the meantime, the engineering effort has had several notable achievements. Prime among them was the release of the core software development kit (SDK) in early January, which has enabled us to work on integrations with some of our early partners. Since we last recapped our progress, there have been several additional developments:

  • Token Capability is under active development and is to be released with R2. Logos’ token capability provides a superset of ERC-20 capabilities at the protocol level, making it as easy as possible to release fungible tokens natively on the Logos platform.
  • Initial release of Logos Web Wallet SDK. This enables developers to interact with the Web Wallet API to develop additional integrations and tools.
  • Planned permissioned test net upgrade. Bug fixes and performance enhancements. Continuously deployed.
  • Automated distributed test infrastructure implementation kickoff. We are converting the prototype into a streamlined automated test infrastructure to better perform sanity checks during integrations.

After R2, we will have most core features implemented, with the remainder to be put into place in R3, due in May. We’ll continue to release additional features on the test net for integrations and testing. If you are not already using the test net and would like access, please contact us and we’ll be happy to get you connected!

We’ll continue to send out development updates going forward as part of the regular newsletter. Stay tuned!



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Read: White paper | Logos website



Carl Hua
Logos Network

I have a decade of software and system engineering experience at NASA JPL and Northrop Grumman. Currently Head of Engineering @Logos