Monthly Newsletter #2:
The Logos Inception; Michael Zochowski Spotlight; Join Logos

Logos Network
Logos Network
Published in
4 min readOct 1, 2018

*** *** *** *** *** *** Logos October Newsletter *** *** *** *** *** ***

In our short but successful tenure, I found that I was answering one simple question time and time again in my meetings with investors and partners: Why did I start Logos?

In the spirit of transparency, I thought it was important to take up some real estate on our newsletter to share the reason and the vision behind it all.

When I first discovered blockchain in 2011, Bitcoin was suspiciously and hesitantly eyed by the mainstream, to say the very least. This was a totally new space with big implications and even bigger unknowns. What enamored me was not the technology (although that certainly helped!), but rather the transformative vision to radically redefine economic interactions first laid out in the Bitcoin white paper that started it all. But while the popular narrative has shifted from incredulity to exuberance, Bitcoin and other legacy crypto networks have failed to gain any meaningful adoption due to limited technology, poor implementation and difficulty of use.

To me, that failure was not an indictment of that original vision but rather an opportunity. Bitcoin has provided the proof of concept, and numerous academic advancements in decentralized technologies showed there is something here.

It seemed so obvious to me that the missing piece was the execution that pushes the technology from potential to practical usability. So, with urgency and purpose, we got to work on Logos to bridge that gap and deliver the speed, throughput and security needed for practical use cases. The core mission of Logos is — and will always be — to enable these real-world integrations and, for the first time, to truly realize the vision of cheaper and more accessible real-time payments of all sizes, from a few pennies to billions of dollars.

We are excited and humbled to bring you all on this mission with us. Now, onto the newsletter!


Michael Zochowski

Founder | Logos


The Logos Advantage

Logos is a decentralized payments network engineered for the next generation of always-on, high speed transactions. It is designed to securely process more payments faster and at less cost than legacy payments and blockchain solutions. With our prototype already processing over 17,000 transactions per second — taking less than 2 seconds to confirm transactions — Logos opens up a new world of payment application possibilities for businesses and added benefits for consumers.

No Free Lunch

Yesterday, I tried buying lunch with a credit card but the restaurant’s card reader wasn’t working (said restaurant will go unnamed). People were rushing to get a quick bite, lining up with their lunch, and getting to the register only to find out they couldn’t pay. To mitigate a lunch break riot, several cashiers lined up as bearers of bad news, “No cards today, cash only.” For all businesses, payment network problems add unexpected friction, take away revenue from the bottom line and erode at customer loyalty and engagement. Integrating Logos will ensure that businesses can accept payments in an always-on and painless way. We created Logos with just that in mind — to have it be that key to the future of fast, reliable payments at global scale — and, here’s hoping, an ensured lunch.

Team Member Spotlight
Michael Zochowski, Founder and CEO

Michael has been involved in cryptocurrency since 2013, and has extensive experience investing in and contributing to the crypto ecosystem.

Within Logos, Michael straddles the intersection of technological and the business sectors, overseeing the core architecture development of Logos and pushing it forward to the market, alongside a lean team of 15.

Decentralized technology will not win by generating hype fueled by lofty dreams. Mainstream success requires completely overhauling the crypto paradigm and redesigning it from the ground up for real-world integrations.


Open Roles (we love referrals!)

We are a rapidly-growing team and looking for more talent to join us:

If you know of someone who’d be a skill/Logos culture fit who is looking to create meaningful impact in the space with their work, we’d love to chat!

If you’d like to keep up with what we are doing:

Follow us: Twitter | Discord | Telegram | Reddit

Read: White paper | Logos website



Logos Network
Logos Network

The hyperscalable, low-cost and secure platform ushering the future of payments, today.