An Account of my Sojourn into the Eye of the Storm

Word Weaver
Logos Word
Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2019

I hear a song from deep within
My heart, it sings,

I loved blue, I embodied yellow,
Yet they worked not, I weep,

Memories drift away on wistful air,
Memories travel towards mighty thunder, glorious lightning,
Memories move on well-travelled paths in dense summer clouds,

Memories mock me as the thunder resounds,
Lumination within takes form,
A sea of interconnected neurons, memory-ing…

Vast clear skies by yonder distance;
Displaced from the storm,
A star shines bright!

I make a choice…
Through the storm with all my might!

I take the plunge,
Encounter abyss,

Spiralling down for age and another,
I grow old, I am young,
I am beast, I am found…

Strength finds me and we sit still,
While the storm rages tumultuous,
I breathe, I feel,


A black hole develops, my limbs remain frozen,
Black hole expands,
A sacrifice, it demands…

You’ve chosen, it’s over,
Why dost thou hesitate?!

Part of me, and part of you,
We want the past, we need it too,
I want naivete, the infant cries,
I can’t stand this framework with all its lies,

That part of me, and part of you,
I loved you, dear, I love you still,
Kiss me softly one last time,
‘Tis not my path, the story goes on…

Dragons abound, put on your armour,
Impeccably utter the word of truth…

Black hole filled with chaos and disaster tempts me…
Black hole filled with my darkest persons beckons…

Mind follows finger,
I reach out tentatively,
I die,

*A moment of eternal void*


Land of wonder, I found thee!
My love, you’re here,
My heart found you!
My soul, it sings
A song of love,
I bow before eternal song,

Melodies travel along coloured streams,
The space in air holds secret songs,
For those who see, and those who want,
She shares her jewels,
She does no wrong,

Sail along, join me now,
I enter a mysterious, ethereal realm
My soul dost sing joyously,
It is at peace at last.

I’m in a land of senses; breathe,
Land of senses; feel,
Land of senses; sight renewed,

I see colour and sound,
I perceive colour and song,
I feel colour and demon,
I am colour and person unified;

The musky air hangs heavy with scent,
Colour, sound, song, for those ready to receive,
It’s a colourful gift…

Death upon death upon death upon death,


Ayasaki, R. (2019). Passions — Twilight [Acrylic Painting on Canvas].

