Langflow + DataStax: Better Together

The past few weeks have been nuts, and we’ve been itching to share some huge news with you all… 🥁 Langflow is joining DataStax!

Rodrigo Nader
3 min readApr 4, 2024


When the two of us first met in person in mid-2022, aside from geeking out over sci-fi books, the recurring topic of the night was: "What’s AGI going to look like?" 🤖

Rodrigo and Gabriel: Langflow brainstorming, day one (yes, we signed that Polaroid!)

Our passion for deep learning and a shared desire for productivity led us to brainstorm for hours, and as we looked into the future, we were convinced that AI should be more than a black box. It would require fine-grained control, interactivity, and most importantly, safety. We bet on a hybrid approach that incorporated rule-based logic on top of agent decisions.

Initially released as “A User Interface for LangChain,” Langflow came to life as an open-source solution for the exploration of LLM applications. It lowered the entry barrier by offering a visual framework that enabled users to connect, create, and share components that cover everything from Prompt Chaining to RAG and Autonomous Agents.

In just a handful of months, we were already supporting a community of over 10,000 developers! 😎

We’ve watched our platform evolve into an intuitive, customizable tool, serving a variety of real-world, industry-level use cases. It’s been an unbelievable journey and we’re so proud of it.

Langflow v1.0.0 alpha— Interaction Panel

Supercharging Langflow ⚡

A few weeks ago, we started talking with DataStax about a potential partnership. From our initial chats, we shared a lot of excitement about what’s possible and how the future of AI will unfold. We were clearly on the same page, and DataStax’s track record with Apache Cassandra, along with their commitment to the open-source community, resonated with us instantly. Before we knew it, we were hopping on a flight to San Francisco, getting ready to close a deal.

We’re researchers, developers, and hackers at heart, and managing the company so far has been pretty hectic; we handle everything from coding sessions to budget planning. Joining DataStax means we’ll be free to focus 100% of our efforts on growing Langflow and sharing our inventive experiments with a broad range of researchers, developers, and entrepreneurs out there! And that’s what we love doing.

What’s next? 💡

More than ever, we need to listen to the community and make sure we’re attending to their needs. If there’s a promise we can make, it’s that Langflow will forever be open, free, and agnostic!

In the coming months, our plan is clear: keep striving to make Langflow simpler and more intuitive while retaining the amount of control that coding provides. Our goal is to establish it as the industry standard for assembling complex, multi-agent workflows, making research and development not just better, but more enjoyable.

We’ll collaborate with DataStax to empower AI enthusiasts and ML hackers like ourselves, enabling them to prototype, validate, and quickly turn their bold ideas into real, impactful solutions.

We are beyond excited to see the community embracing Langflow as their go-to AI platform and can’t wait to show off the opportunities this collaboration will bring!

A big thanks to everyone supporting and being part of this community in any way.

Let’s do this! 🚀

With excitement and gratitude,
Rodrigo, Gabriel, and the Langflow team.

P.S.: Langflow 1.0 alpha was released today! 🎉
Try it out now! 🌟

