Great Design is Open

The Open Design Movement Manifesto

Min Ming Lo
Published in
4 min readJan 17, 2020


Great design results from a process of constant iteration and relentless refinement. Design is fundamentally collaborative. We believe that the best ideas grow and expand with the input of others.

Open design is not about sharing a cropped final static image. It is about sharing your process; the hours of missteps and false starts you tore through, the frustration and anguish you pushed beyond, before you arrived at that final iteration. Each of those false starts is a learning experience, a teachable moment to invite others to understand not just what you designed; but how you did so.

Designing in the open can be frightening. Exposing your work to critique requires bold effort. But with the collective, collaborative genius, together we can push the boundaries and create better work.

Be open. Design better. Together.

This original manifesto published on Pixelapse in 2014

This manifesto was originally published on Pixelapse in 2014 to push the idea of open source design. It was also discussed in FastCompany:Ex-Googler Builds A Github For Designers”. I spoke about it in MCE 2015 conference in Poland: “Open Design Movement” (full video…



Min Ming Lo
lominming • @Dropbox • Co-founder @Pixelapse • @Stanford @YCombinator @StartX alum • Love fine food+drinks, art, photography, philosophy