London.AI 14 — robotics with FiveAI, Animal Dynamics and Automata

Nathan Benaich
Published in
2 min readFeb 1, 2019

London.AI is a community of AI practitioners from technology companies, startups and academia.

We’re almost ready to kick off (photo credit: QuantumBlack)

Yesterday evening, we hosted our 14th edition of London.AI at the QuantumBlack offices in central London. Drawing from 412 applicants, we were able to host approx. 100 engineers, researchers, founders, students and operators from organisations such as:

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Scenes from the evening

Introduction from Pippa Kennedy at QuantumBlack.

Mostafa, CEO of Automata, taking us through the founding journey for the Company. He began life as an architect in the computation and design group at the World-acclaimed Zaha Hadid.

Philip Torr (CSO) and Stan Boland (CEO, Founder) from FiveAI running through their presentation entitled The World is Not Enough. HT to James Bond :)

Alex Caccia from Animal Dynamics showing us a promo reel for their long-distance aircraft.

A customary tweet-storm to recap the evening’s learnings!

— by Nathan Benaich and Alexandre Flamant



Nathan Benaich

🤓AI-first investing @airstreet, running @raais @londonai @parisai communities, VP @pointninecap, co-author, biologist, foodie, et al.