Driving education: London Blockchain Labs partners with Lisk (LSK)

Ilya Kleyner
London Blockchain Labs
3 min readNov 15, 2018

Global Blockchain Talent Gap

43% of senior-level executives rank blockchain in their top 5 strategic priorities. In 2018 alone billions of dollars have been invested by VCs, corporates, governments and individuals into various public and private blockchain projects, from internal database restructuring, to ICOs, and regulatory infrastructure.

On this background of overwhelming demand for implementable blockchain solutions, the demand for genuine blockchain skills has sky-rocketed.

There are currently 14 job openings for every one blockchain developer, and on freelance platform UpWork demand for blockchain skills is growing faster than for any other — having experienced a 35,000% increase since 2017.

Blockchain Talent is in demand (Image Source: IBM)

Sectors ranging from finance to environmental protection, and from government to retail are looking for blockchain expertise, in the form of:

1. Developers with specific knowledge of blockchain platforms and the ability to effectively work in agile scrum teams

2. Decision-makers with the ability to identify where blockchain can genuinely add value to an organisation,

3. Analysts with their fingers on the pulse of the global blockchain market, who can accurately identify financial and technological opportunities

4. Researchers with in-depth understanding of the underlying cryptographic principles, who will be able to innovate on existing DLT infrastructure

Driving Blockchain Education

London Blockchain Labs (LBL) is delighted to announce our partnership with Lisk (LSK) and specifically with the ground-breaking Lisk Academy, as we jointly aim to educate the global community on blockchain, and empower them with the technical skills to fill this global blockchain talent gap and bring to life the truly world-changing promise of blockchain technology.

Lisk is a leading platform for building Decentralised Applications (Dapps) using JavaScript — the most commonly used programming language in the world. The Academy offers a free interactive online channel for understanding and getting into blockchain development, as well as introductions to the key concepts of blockchain and its impact, to anyone interested:

  • Complete beginners with no knowledge about blockchain whatsoever.
  • New to blockchain but with a slight understanding of what it does and how it works.
  • Aspiring cryptocurrency traders.
  • Developers looking to develop a blockchain application with Lisk.
  • Entrepreneurs with ambitions of running an ICO.
  • Those considering implementing blockchain in their business.

Partnering with Lisk is directly in line with LBL’s educational mission, and provides our student community of 2,800+, based at the top three universities in London — UCL, LSE and Imperial — an additional channel to boost their blockchain knowledge and put it into practice. We keenly look forward to hosting the Lisk team in person in London soon, and working together to forge and empower the next generation of blockchain professionals!

Make sure to check out the Lisk Academy, follow them on Medium, and stay tuned for more educational content to drive your blockchain learning journey!

Join our Meetup and Facebook groups to keep updated on LBL’s news and up-coming events.



Ilya Kleyner
London Blockchain Labs

Former Executive Director of London Blockchain Labs (LBL) - the UK's largest Blockchain student hub