Smart Contracts are Contracts. Here’s why.

Exploring the Essence of Smart Contracts and Why it Matters

Yakko Majuri
London Blockchain Labs


On Our Inability to Read Minds

Photo by Wyron A

Here’s an opener I’ve used in many of my lectures:

“Can we predict, with a high level of confidence, the exact response of an individual, given an external stimulus?”

The question often confuses a few of the participants.

Essentially, I am asking if we can guess (with accuracy!) someone’s reaction to a certain action.

Take the following simple example: can I know what you’ll do after I give you $1,000? Well, I can most likely correctly assume that you will be happy, but I cannot be sure of what exactly you will do after my charitable donation.

I don’t know if you will decide to give me a hug in the heat of the moment, call your mom to tell her the good news, go grab a beer to celebrate, or do something I couldn’t even think of.



Yakko Majuri
London Blockchain Labs

Programmer, writer, traveler, hitchhiker, climber, photographer. i.e. lost. (P.S. amateur at most of the above) //